Código fonte para zoop_wrapper.wrapper.seller

from typing import Union

from .base import BaseZoopWrapper
from ..response import ZoopResponse
from ..models.seller import Seller

[documentos]class SellerWrapper(BaseZoopWrapper): """ Possui os métodos do resource :class:`.Seller` """
[documentos] def add_seller(self, data: Union[dict, Seller]) -> ZoopResponse: """ Adiciona um :class:`.Seller`. Examples: >>> data = { "birthdate": "1994-12-27", "email": "foo@bar.com", "first_name": "foo", "last_name": "foo", "phone_number": "+55 84 99999-9999", "taxpayer_id": "foo", "address": { "city": "Natal", "country_code": "BR" "line1": "foo", "line2": "123", "line3": "barbar", "neighborhood": "fooofoo", "postal_code": "59152250", "state": "RN", } } >>> data = { "business_email": "foo", "business_name": "foo", "business_opening_date": "foo", "business_phone": "foo", "business_website": "foo", "ein": "foo", "owner": { "birthdate": "foo", "email": "foo", "first_name": "foo", "last_name": "foo", "phone_number": "foo", "taxpayer_id": "foo", "address": { "city": "Natal", "country_code": "BR" "line1": "foo", "line2": "123", "line3": "barbar", "neighborhood": "fooofoo", "postal_code": "59152250", "state": "RN", } }, "business_address": { "city": "Natal", "country_code": "BR" "line1": "foo", "line2": "123", "line3": "barbar", "neighborhood": "fooofoo", "postal_code": "59152250", "state": "RN", } } Args: data: dados do :class:`.Seller` Returns: :class:`.ZoopResponse` """ instance = Seller.from_dict_or_instance(data) url = self._construct_url(action="sellers", subaction=instance.get_type_uri()) return self._post_instance(url, instance=instance)
[documentos] def list_sellers(self) -> ZoopResponse: """ lista :class:`.Seller`"s existentes na Zoop. Returns: :class:`.ZoopResponse` """ url = self._construct_url(action="sellers") return self._get(url)
[documentos] def list_seller_bank_accounts(self, identifier: str) -> ZoopResponse: """ Lista :class:`.BankAccount`"s de algum :class:`.Seller` Args: identifier: id do :class:`.Seller` Returns: :class:`.ZoopResponse` """ url = self._construct_url( action="sellers", identifier=identifier, subaction="bank_accounts" ) return self._get(url)
[documentos] def retrieve_seller(self, identifier: str) -> ZoopResponse: """ Pega um :class:`.Seller` Args: identifier: id do :class:`.Seller` Returns: :class:`.ZoopResponse` """ url = self._construct_url(action="sellers", identifier=identifier) return self._get(url)
[documentos] def remove_seller(self, identifier: str) -> ZoopResponse: """ Remove um :class:`.Seller`; Args: identifier: id do :class:`.Seller` Returns: :class:`.ZoopResponse` """ url = self._construct_url(action="sellers", identifier=identifier) return self._delete(url)
def __search_seller(self, **kwargs) -> ZoopResponse: """ Busca um :class:`.Seller`. Args: kwargs: dicionário de valores a serem buscados Returns: :class:`.ZoopResponse` """ url = self._construct_url(action="sellers/search", search=kwargs) return self._get(url)
[documentos] def search_business_seller(self, identifier: str) -> ZoopResponse: """ search seller by CNPJ Args: identifier: ein (Employer Identification Number) is equivalent to CNPJ # noqa: Returns: response with instance of Seller """ return self.__search_seller(ein=identifier)
[documentos] def search_individual_seller(self, identifier: str) -> ZoopResponse: """ search seller by CPF Args: identifier: taxpayer_id is equivalent to CPF # noqa: Returns: response with instance of Seller """ return self.__search_seller(taxpayer_id=identifier)
[documentos] def update_seller(self, identifier: str, data: Union[dict, Seller]) -> ZoopResponse: """ Atualiza um :class:`.Seller`. Examples: >>> data = { "birthdate": "1994-12-27", "email": "foo@bar.com", "first_name": "foo", "last_name": "foo", "phone_number": "+55 84 99999-9999", "taxpayer_id": "foo", "address": { "city": "Natal", "country_code": "BR" "line1": "foo", "line2": "123", "line3": "barbar", "neighborhood": "fooofoo", "postal_code": "59152250", "state": "BR-RN", } } >>> data = { "business_email": "foo", "business_name": "foo", "business_opening_date": "foo", "business_phone": "foo", "business_website": "foo", "ein": "foo", "owner": { "birthdate": "foo", "email": "foo", "first_name": "foo", "last_name": "foo", "phone_number": "foo", "taxpayer_id": "foo", "address": { "city": "foo", "country_code": "foo" "line1": "foo", "line2": "foo", "line3": "foo", "neighborhood": "foo", "postal_code": "foo", "state": "foo", } } "business_address": { "city": "foo", "country_code": "foo" "line1": "foo", "line2": "foo", "line3": "foo", "neighborhood": "foo", "postal_code": "foo", "state": "foo", } } Args: identifier: id do :class:`.Seller` data: dados do :class:`.Seller` Returns: :class:`.ZoopResponse` """ instance = Seller.from_dict_or_instance(data) url = self._construct_url( action="sellers", identifier=identifier, subaction=instance.get_type_uri(), sub_action_before_identifier=True, ) return self._put_instance(url, instance=instance)